Alex Jones to Sell Parts of Infowars to Pay US $1.5b Sandy Hook Debt

8 months ago 38

A court-appointed bankruptcy trustee has indicated plans to sell off right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’ Infowars media empire to pay some of the US $1.5 billion he owes to families of the Sandy Hook school shooting victims.

In a court filing filed on Sunday, the trustee, Christopher Murray, said he was planning to close operations of Infowars’ owner Free Speech Systems and “liquidate its inventory”.

The news comes a week after a bankruptcy judge decided Mr Jones’ personal assets would be liquidated to pay back the victims for spreading misinformation about the deadly 2012 shooting at a suburban Connecticut school.

The judge appointed Mr Murray to oversee the liquidation of Mr Jones’ assets.

The conspiracy theorist and his company, Free Speech Systems, filed for bankruptcy in 2022 after Mr Jones was ordered to pay the US $1.5 billion in multiple defamation cases over false claims about the Sandy Hook shooting, in which 20 children and six adults were killed.

A judge ruled last year that Mr Jones would not be released from paying the settlement despite the bankruptcy filings.

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