Behind the Beauty – Featuring Poshh

1 year ago 38

876: Thanks for doing this feature with us! While we’ve been featuring you for several years now, a lot of people reading this will be trying to get familiar with you. Tell us a little about yourself and how did you get the name Poshh?

Poshh: I actually named myself Poshh because, growing up, I always admired the look of being proper, smart, fashionable and elegant.

876: While people now know you more for your music, you also are a long-time entrepreneur through your Posh Creations brand, which specializes in custom desserts and catering. Talk about how the brand started and what motivated you to go into the food industry?

Poshh: Since high school, I always dreamt about being a celebrity chef. I always had the drive in me to be my own boss because I love independence and doing my own thing. I pursued my studies in Culinary Arts and worked with some awesome people in the industry. And, from the experience I gained, I started my own brand, Posh Creations!

876: What is the biggest thing you have learned about yourself as an entrepreneur? And, what do you enjoy most about being your own boss?

Poshh: The biggest thing I have learned is that being an entrepreneur can be tedious and success doesn’t necessarily happen overnight. It takes a lot of trial and error to get it right and enjoy the process because growing through the stages makes you better and better each day.

876: You’ve since evolved into the music world, specifically dancehall. What motivated you to try out music and how would you describe your style?

Poshh: I was always a lover of music. I love the art of writing your own songs, the process it takes to put together a wonderful masterpiece and how others receive it when it’s heard. Though I didn’t imagine myself as an artist at first until I recorded my first song, I knew I loved the outcome once I did it and kept doing it and started taking it seriously.

I don’t have a specific style. I love versatility, different moods and, sometimes, weirdness.

876: Are there any female dancehall artistes that inspired you and what do you bring to the industry that is different and unique?

Poshh: I don’t have one specific artiste, per se. I listen to different genres of music and admire the work of a lot of women in the industry. I more focus on the components that make a track really good. I think that’s what differentiates me. It’s not only the geekiness of it, but the fact I try to dig deeper and deeper to create something extraordinary.

876: You’re the first lady of Conquer the Globe, working alongside a big name like I-Octane. How did you meet I-Octane, what led to him signing you and what has your working relationship been like with him?

Poshh: I met I-Octane at one of his concerts. I then introduced myself as an artist to him, sent him my music and he loved my sound. Fortunately, at the time, he wanted female artists to work with, so it was the perfect opportunity for me. From that day, I never looked back. I kept pushing forward and learned so much from him because he’s a great teacher and he believes in my work always telling me, “don’t give up Poshhie.”

876: We’ve seen you perform on OnStage and countless other shows. When performing live, how do you handle the pressure and what’s your strategy to make sure you deliver the best, most entertaining show possible?

Poshh: When I first started out, I was a nervous wreck. I literally used to shake like a leaf until I kept performing over and over again until I started to get a little more comfortable after each performance, learning each time I went and perfecting my craft.

876: You’re one of the most attractive women in Jamaican music, hands down. As an 876 Beauty, what do you consider your sexiest physical attribute? And what is your most attractive non-physical attribute?

Poshh: My sexiest physical attribute has always been my physique. Apart from that, I am smart, level-headed, kindhearted and very ambitious.

876: Considering your beauty and celebrity, we know guys keep trying in every way possible to get your attention. Enlighten them. What’s the best way for a man who’s interested to approach you? 

Poshh: I will bless you if you’re working for it!

876: What is one misconception you think people have about you? And, what’s one interesting fact about you that people may not know?

Poshh: Most of the time, people don’t see the greatness in me. But, they don’t know that I’m a ticking time bomb of talent and creativity.

876: What projects can look forward to seeing from you in the near future? And, where can people find you on social media?

Poshh: I’ve been working on so much new music and projects, I can’t wait to share them with everyone. Instagram: @itsposhhie. TikTok: @poshhtv. All my music is available on all digital platforms.

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