Behind the Beauty with Pepita Little

1 year ago 44

From showing her ‘Intense’ passion for the screen during her younger days to Nationwide being on her side these days, media personality Pepita Little keeps enticing the masses with her bubbly personality and insight.

Our latest Behind the Beauty feature goes in-depth with Pepita on and off-screen. We talk to the media vet about her walk with God, the judgement she’s faced in her life, her beauty inside and out, plus more. Check it out!

876-411: Thanks for doing this feature with us! You’ve been in the public eye since a very young age, debuting on Intense as a teenager. How did you land the job? And, how did you deal with the pressure of being on camera early on at such a young age?

Pepita Little: Thanks for having me! In Grade 10 at Holy Childhood High School, I was encouraged by my history teacher, Ms. Keisha Effs, to pursue a career in media. I had expressed my interest in the field to her. She did a video project with our history class and invited two people she knew from TVJ. They were videographers, Andrew Wedderburn and Gareth Daley (GD Films). I went on a few shoots with them and learned some basic stuff. Then one, day, they introduced me to TVJ producer, Sharon Schroeter. I was then invited to an audition for Intense because they were looking for a host.

I think I dealt with being on TV at that young age in the best way I knew how and in the best way I could have at the time. It was something fun for me and a dream come true. So, I enjoyed it a lot.

876: Was becoming a media personality something you always envisioned? Or, was there a separate passion you wanted to pursue, but ended up putting it on hold to join the media world?

Pepita: It was always my dream. I really wish I had another passion though. I’m trying to find that right now.

876: You were a popular face on Intense with your bubbly, engaging personality for several years, as well as on Digicel Rising Stars, before a surprise exit in 2011 following an altercation with a co-worker. Do you remember what caused that altercation? And, how did you deal with the immediate aftermath after you were let go?

Pepita: I don’t talk about that altercation anymore. It’s a distant memory. I felt devastated as any fresh 19-year-old whose dream was shattered would after making a bad decision.

However, I will say I had a lot of help from Kiki, the host at Intense before me. When my father died, she helped me by letting me go to a grief counselor and staying with her family for, like, a week or two weeks until I was ready to get back home. After Intense, she was there for me, she just encouraged me [that it’s not the end of the road]. She was very motivational, and she still is to this day. She’s somebody that I call to ask for advice and she’s always there for me, even though she’s the mother of four boys! (laughs).

876: A few years after your TVJ run, you shared your journey of renewal as you gave your life to the Lord. We know you’ve endured your fair share of struggles growing up and other hardships. But, what was the ‘come to Jesus’ moment that pushed you to become born again?

Pepita: I really came to know the Most High because I felt lost and without a purpose after trying and failing at things, more than a few times. I no longer use the name Jesus, however, based on new knowledge that I have acquired.

876: Your journey as a Christian has faced many challenges. You’ve shared that in many interviews, including the much-talked-about one with the late, great Ian Boyne. What were the easiest and hardest things to give up while you were finding yourself as a Christian? And, who did you seek advice from to help you along your path?

Pepita: Life is an enigma, and so is each person’s relationship with the Most High. There are many things I still contend with. I no longer wish to share that part of myself with everyone. I no longer refer to myself as a Christian but as a believer.

There weren’t many who advised in the past and there aren’t many who gave good advice and amounted to change. There were a few persons here and there that hit the mark at one time or another but missed in so many other areas. However, people like Kiki, Digital Chris from IRIE FM always encouraged me. I also have my friend, Bridgez, she always ah call mi and check in pon mi. I have my partner and I also have my friend, Jodi-Ann Mundles. Those people have been very instrumental in my life and in helping me to keep it balanced.

876: As an 876 Beauty, you’re one of the most attractive media personalities anywhere and you’ve never been shy to show your sexy side. However, with that show of confidence comes people ready to judge you, thinking you should portray yourself a certain way, and so on.

Pepita: Thank you. I am flattered you think so. Modesty is a must as a believer! At times, I have fallen short with my attire. But, as I mature in the spirit, I know I am getting it right little by little. I like being a mystery and still have my bikini days. It’s just that I just don’t post them anymore.

I don’t care what people think because people are fickle and are quite possibly doing or endorsing worse. The Most High doesn’t think like Man and I only care what He thinks.

876: How do you deal with the judgement you’ve faced over the years? Has such judgement ever dissuaded you from embracing your body confidence? And, do you think Christian women should be able to show off such confidence as freely as they like?

Pepita: There was judgement? Waaw (laughs). I had so many other problems at one point that I never really had time to pay people’s judgements any mind. I used to let people who were close to me get out. And, for the others, after a time, I was like, “I know The Most High knows my heart and I am trying.” These people won’t tell you when they’ve faltered but are quick to see you faltering. Plus, they’re not even helping you anyway. So, why care what they think? All if dem did ah help me.

Anyway, body confidence doesn’t have to be half-naked pictures. It can simply be your confident pose, your smile, or the way you move in your clothes. It can be you just loving yourself when you look in the mirror every morning. One thing I’ve learned about confidence is that it’s internal before it becomes external. So, work on your inside first.

876: As an 876 Beauty, what do you consider your sexiest physical attribute? And what is your most attractive non-physical attribute?

Pepita: My smile! Yeah, because people have told me that when I smile, they smile too. And, that my smile is warm and genuine…awww (laughs). Non-physical? My personality. I’m very empathetic. I like to talk to people and listen to them. Also, I like meeting new people, learning things about them and helping them figure out ways to get through their problems if I’m able to.

876: Along with being a media personality, you’re also a pretty good singer, releasing songs dating back to 2012. Have you ever considered a full-fledged music career? 

Pepita: I still love singing. But, I won’t be taking it mainstream. I’ll just be making music for YAH.

876: You’ve had quite a few achievements in the last couple years, including graduating UWICFP, where you developed as a screenwriter, and landing your Naionwide show, Outside With Pepita. Talk about these achievements and what they mean to you.

Pepita: UWICFP was a refreshing experience that made me begin to believe in myself again. The Nationwide team has been phenomenal and I’ve been enjoying it so far.

876: What projects can look forward to seeing from you in the near future and what are your goals for 2024?

Pepita: Nothing to share just yet. But, thank you for your support! I will keep you posted.

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