CAB Chairman Encouraged by Shrinking Regional Trade Deficit

9 months ago 50

Leesa Kow (left), Managing Director, JN Bank and Chair of the Caribbean Association of Banks, greets Phillip Ramson, President of the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce. They were attending the launch of the JCC Annual Awards at the Mercedes Benz Showroom on South Camp Road in Kingston recently. The awards banquet, which comes as the JCC celebrates its 245th Anniversary, is scheduled for June 13 in Kingston under the theme, ‘Caribbean Excellence: Celebration Achievements Embracing Integration’.

Managing Director of JN Bank and Chairman of the Caribbean Association of Banks, Leesa Kow, says Jamaica’s narrowing trade deficit with members of CARICOM is indicative of flattening regional borders and growing opportunities for local businesses of all sizes and financial institutions.

She made the statement while addressing the launch of the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce Annual Awards recently.

The event was held at the Mercedes Benz Showroom on South Camp Road in Kingston.

Meanwhile, Ms. Kow says there’s need for stronger collaboration so that smaller local players can better take advantage of the improving trade with CARICOM states.

Leesa Kow, Managing Director of JN Bank and Chairman of the Caribbean Association of Banks.

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