FEEL LIKE middle age is closing in on you? You are not alone. A 2008 study of data from two million people found that midlife depression spans the globe. In the United States, it peaks at around age 40 for women and 50 for men, and usually starts to lift in the 50s.
People may learn to adapt to their strengths and weaknesses and value life more, the researchers say.
You may be squeezed between the demands of children, ageing parents, marriage, and your job. Feeling sad, worthless, and guilty? Women tend to shoulder more of the ‘sandwich generation’ burdens, and up to half become depressed as a result.
It is recommended that you ensure that you are caring for yourself, too. Exercise, get enough rest, eat healthily, see friends, and get help for caregiving demands and depression if you need it.
If you are feeling lethargic or depressed, too little vitamin B12 may be to blame. If you are older, you are more at risk for the B12 blues, because you may not have enough stomach acid to release B12 from food.
You can ask your doctor to measure levels of B12 in your blood. If it is low, talk to your doctor about diet, oral supplements, or an injection to see what might be right for you.
As men age, their bodies produce less of the important sex hormone testosterone. Low testosterone levels can cause depression, as well as erectile dysfunction (ED), trouble getting or keeping an erection, and a decreased interest in sex.
Your doctor can test the levels of testosterone in your blood. If it is low, ask your doctor about replacement therapy and other treatment options.
Depression can be one symptom of an underactive or occasionally overactive thyroid. If you are older, it may be the only symptom, or it may appear with a subtle symptom. In the case of overactive thyroid, it could be accompanied by heart flutters, tremors, or fatigue. An underactive thyroid can cause constipation or fatigue. That is why this very treatable problem is often mistaken for bowel or nervous system disorders in older people. See your doctor, especially if a close relative has thyroid disease.
Living with a condition that causes chronic pain, such as rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis, increases the chance of having depression. In fact, people with chronic pain are three times as likely to have depression or an anxiety disorder, and depression can make pain worse.
You can exercise, meditate, or listen to music. An hour of classical music a day has been shown to ease arthritis pain and depression. If the depression or pain does not lift, talk to your doctor.
Do you feel too listless to check your blood sugar regularly? Are unpredictable blood sugar levels making you feel out of control? Depression is a common and dangerous complication of many chronic conditions, including diabetes. Depression also may keep you from taking good care of your diabetes.
If you have been depressed for more than two weeks, talk to your doctor. Talk therapy, medication, and better diabetes control can help you manage both conditions. Depression is serious and if left untreated can be life-threatening.
About one in four older people who drink heavily has major depression. Some older people start drinking more because of stressful events, such as retirement or a spouse’s death. However, alcohol problems are often mistaken for other age-related issues.
A combination of medications can treat both alcohol dependence and depression. Individual or group therapy can also help deal with issues that may trigger drinking.
Insomnia and other sleep disruptions, which are common as we age, are closely related to depression. Insomnia can be a sign that you are depressed, and if you have insomnia but are not depressed, you are at higher risk of developing mood changes. Obstructive sleep apnea and restless legs syndrome also have been linked to depression.
Talk to your doctor about possible reasons for your sleep problems and get treatment for them. Learn good sleep hygiene habits, such as regular bedtime hours. Exercise early and regularly and avoid caffeine, alcohol, or nicotine, which interferes with sleep. Prescription medication may also help.
If you were forced into retirement because of poor health or other reasons, you might very well be depressed. Factors such as financial insecurity or lack of social support can also make retirement a downer.
Busy retirees tend to be happier retirees. Learn new skills, take classes, get exercise. Be flexible: For example, if your health makes activities like travel difficult, take in museums and foreign films.
Social support can help prevent or ease depression, but some kinds of social support may be better than others. A study of people in a retirement community found that those who stayed connected with friends living elsewhere had less depression. Support from within the community did not affect mood.
It is advised to maintain ties with close friends and family members. Explore Internet technology that can give you virtual face time with distant friends.
SOURCE: Health Solutions; Harvard Medical School