Western Stars Philharmonic Steel Orchestra member Fuad Abu Bakr said he is considering legal action against Pan Trinbago and president Beverley Ramsey-Moore after he was barred from a meeting of the organisation’s executive on Sunday.
Ramsey-Moore said he had been banned from attending meetings since 2022.
Abu Bakr said when he tried to attend on Sunday, police told him he was barred from entering the meeting, and would be arrested if he tried to enter the room.
He said he was given a letter dated October 21, 2022, which said he had been suspended since that date. He said that was the first time he had seen the letter.
Ramsey-Moore said the letter, which was addressed to the manager of Western Stars Philharmonic Steel Orchestra, Mucurapo Road, St James, was hand-delivered to the organisation.
She said, “The membership – it has nothing to do with Beverley Ramsey-Moore – took a decision to suspend Fuad Abu Bakr and do further investigation for assaulting the president at a meeting.
"The general membership, the highest authority in Pan Trinbago, suspended Fuad for slamming down documents on my hands. He walked up to the table and slammed the documents down on my hands.
"As far as I’m concerned, he should be suspended for life."
She added: “These are not things you want in the media space. There are things to be discussed in-house in our private meetings. Unfortunately, though I froze in fear and shock. I allowed the membership to deal with the issue. I could have gone to the police, but I prefer the members to deal with the issue. Since that happened, Fuad has never attended a meeting because he’s fully aware of the decision by the members.”
Abu Bakr said there were two meetings in October 2022, at the first of which he said Ramsey-Moore had had her office manager move a motion that Ramsey-Moore be allowed to continue in offices for two more years without election, owing to the covid19-pandemic.
“She said she couldn’t have elections during covid19, although everyone else was having elections and AGMs.
"This motion took everyone by surprise, except those who were prepared to be there already. I took objection and explained we have a process of elections and secret ballots so people are not surprised when they choose who they want, other than the incumbent chair, so to carry out a raise of hands for her to move on in that manner, when no one was aware that this is what we’re coming to this meeting for, was totally unjust and against our constitution.
"Subsequent to that she moved the motion and accepted the motion as the chair.”
Abu Bakr said at a second meeting later that month, he walked out, accompanied by other delegates, after saying there should be no further meetings of Pan Trinbago until there were elections.
“It is that behaviour she has construed as worth disciplining, so to speak, since October 21, 2022, which I have never received communication thereof.
"Of course I walked out, and I have never gone to a meeting since then.
“We do have elections now, on October 6. I have filed nomination papers. I was at the head office on Friday, I saw Mrs Ramsey-Moore, they accepted my nomination papers, I made sure my band was financial, as is required – and no one ever said anything to me about suspension.
"But lo and behold on Sunday you’re prepared with this backdated letter, I’m somehow suspended pending a disciplinary hearing – which I don’t know when that’s going to happen, because clearly two years have passed – and now I’m hearing whispers I won’t be allowed to participate in the electoral process.
"That again is another serious violation, but it shows the lengths some people go to remain in power.”
Newsday obtained a copy of the letter, which is captioned Re: Delegate – Fuad Abu Bakr, Suspension Notice.
It reads: “At the Continuation Meeting of the AGM held on Thursday, October 20, 2022 at the VIP Lounge, Queen’s Park Savannah, the membership delegates present voted on the following motion: “That, Fuad Abu Bakr, delegate of Western Stars Philharmonic, be suspended with immediate effect, pending a Disciplinary Hearing into his conduct at the Annual General Meeting which was held on Sunday October 2, 2022 at the VIP Lounge, Queen’s Park Savannah.
“Further to the motion: Fuad Abu Bakr is not allowed to attend any meetings of the organisation nor should he enter any premises of the organisation.”
The letter said the vote on the motion was 48 for, three against, and one abstention. It said 93 per cent of the delegates voted in favour of the motion.
Western Stars Philharmonic Steel Orchestra was asked to submit in writing to the secretary the name of the replacement delegate for Abu Bakr. The letter was signed by Pan Trinbago secretary Denise Hernandez.
Abu Bakr said he had communicated with the National Carnival Commission and line minister Randall Mitchell.
He said he would consider protesting and legal action against Pan Trinbago and Ramsey-Moore.