Good nutrition during the holidays

2 months ago 31

CHRISTMAS IS just one day, right? One day of eating all the delicious foods, even overeating them, is not going to harm your heart.

However, most of us have spent the whole year overeating, and Christmas is not just one day when you think about the three to four weeks of Christmas parties, social gatherings and excess food that happens at this time of the year. Research actually shows that the average person puts on about two kilograms over this time and never loses it.

Rather than putting off healthy eating changes as next year’s problem, you can start making easy changes now. Christmas is going to come around every year for the rest of your life, get a jump on it and learn to manage it!

The holidays are the season of good cheer, and many of us are eating out or indulging at home more than we might do at other times. The good news is that you can still eat, drink and be merry without overdoing it. If maintaining a healthy eating pattern over the Christmas season is important to you, then here are simple tips to maximise health and enjoyment during the festivities.


Christmas is a time to relax and enjoy yourself, but try to keep your health goals in mind and why looking after your heart is important to you. Many of us eat out more than usual over the Christmas period, and when we eat out, we often eat more than we would at home. We know that sticking to just one course, once you see what everyone else is having, is hard; so decide before you begin if you are going to have a starter or a dessert. If you do not want to feel too stuffed, consider a starter, perhaps with a side order of vegetables, instead of a main course, or ask for a smaller portion.

Whether you are eating out or at home, having a coffee or cup of tea while others have a pudding is a good way to round off a meal, or you could share a pudding with others.


A one-off celebratory meal out probably won’t make any difference to your health in the grand scheme of things, so enjoy it. However, if you are having a few, try to scale back what you are eating in your other meals. This could mean having a lighter meal in the evening, like soup, salad or sandwich, if you had a big meal earlier in the day. Try to choose options that are low in saturated fat, sugar and salt for your other meals of the day.


When you are eating out, one of the best ways to make healthy choices is to check the menu beforehand, whether online or in person, and choose what you are going to have with your health in mind. It means you can choose your meal without others influencing you. Many restaurant chains offer nutritional information online.


If you are eating at home, try to plan what you eat with your health in mind. Choose lean cuts of meat and remove any visible fat, and try to limit your red and processed meat you have in favour of fish, chicken, turkey and plant-based options. If you are eating out, try to choose the healthiest menu options to make the meal fit into your normal diet, rather than just going for your favourites. Steer clear of deep-fried, pastry-based dishes or those with creamy or cheesy sauces. If you are having dessert, choose fruit-based desserts.


Having a good helping of vegetables with your meal will add vitamins, minerals and fibre, and help you towards your five-a-day; but beware of vegetables that come with added butter, cheese sauce or salt.

If you are in charge of the cooking, offer steamed or boiled vegetables without salt, and steer clear of cheese sauces, or adding bacon to your sprouts, or butter to your carrots or peas. With everything else that’s on the table, no one will miss these added extras.


It is important to stay within the guidelines of 14 units a week for men and women, particularly as many of us drink more than usual in December. If you are drinking at home, it is easy to lose track of how much you are drinking, so try to note this. Check the labels on bottles to see how many units they contain. If you drink spirits, remember a standard measure is 25ml (slightly less than one-and-a-half tablespoons). If you do not have a spirit measure, you could use a measuring spoon or jug to measure it out.

As well as the impact on your health, don’t forget the calories that drinks can add, which can have an effect on your waistline. Remember that soft drinks can be high in calories, too; so if you can, choose sugar-free drinks or water, and alternate these with any alcoholic drinks you are having.

We all enjoy sharing a meal with family or friends, but have you considered doing something different? That way you are more likely to avoid unhealthy food options, and you will save money, too. You could go for a walk together, perhaps with a flask of tea or coffee.

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