Gov’t Senator Accuses Golding of Harming Ja’s Constitutional Reform Agenda

9 months ago 40

Government Senator, Sherene Golding Campbell, is accusing Opposition Leader Mark Golding of harming the county’s constitutional reform agenda.

She was reacting to Mr. Golding’s stance on some of the proposals recommended in the draft report of the Constitutional Reform Committee.

Mr. Golding says he’s willing to remain with the British Monarchy for the time being if the issue of the Caribbean Court of Justice remains unsettled.

He has also proposed that the membership of the Senate, be increased to 42.The Senate is currently comprised of 21 members.

Thirteen senators are appointed by the Governor General on the advice of the prime minister. The other eight are appointed on the advice of the Leader of the Opposition.

Senator Golding Campbell says the opposition leader has taken the wrong approach to the process of constitutional reform.

Sherene Golding Campbell, government senator. She was speaking Wednesday evening on Nationwide at Five.

In the meantime, former independent senator, Professor Trevor Munroe, is insisting that massive public engagement is needed to support the constitutional reform agenda.

Professor Trevor Munroe, a former independent senator. He was also speaking Wednesday evening on Nationwide at Five.

The Constitutional Reform Committee held several town hall meetings across the country to educate Jamaicans about the process to move Jamaica from a Constitutional Monarchy to a Republic.

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