Jamaican Rum and Raisin Ice Cream (Vegan)

2 years ago 71
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Rum and raisin crystal pick is different spirit of crystal pick that Jamaican folks are brought up connected and volition astir apt bid implicit immoderate different spirit if it is available. I person been experimenting with vegan crystal creams since past summertime but was not definite however to bash it well. I ended up with a merchandise that was precise icy and conscionable recovered the instrumentality to creamy vegan crystal pick – CORNSTARCH! 

When utilizing conscionable coconut cream, with nary mode to get a heavy custard (because of the removal of the ovum yolks) determination volition astir ever beryllium an icy extremity product. To guarantee that the crystal pick basal has a bully and creamy custard, cornstarch is utilized to thicken the base. Another enactment is xanthan gum but I person not experimented with that conscionable yet. Here are immoderate tips beneath to work earlier getting started. 

Coconut Cream:

You tin bargain coconut pick but it's truly hard to find it unsweetened. Most coconut creams travel already sweetened for usage successful drinks similar Pina Coladas. To debar utilizing an already overly saccharine product, simply spot 2 cans of coconut beverage successful the refrigerator the nighttime earlier making your crystal cream. The pick volition people abstracted from the h2o successful the tin and you tin scoop the pick disconnected easy with a spoon. 

Coconut Milk: 

Finding the close coconut beverage to usage successful this look tin beryllium tricky. I wanted to find the creamiest coconut beverage connected the marketplace truthful I chose the Silk marque of coconut milk. You tin besides usage pea milk, oat milk, oregon immoderate different beverage alternatives you like. My lone proposition is to prime a marque that produces the creamiest mentation of a beverage alternate that you like. 


This look calls for 4 heaping tablespoons of cornstarch. The cornstarch is simply a cardinal constituent arsenic it does the occupation of the replaced ovum yolks. It helps to thicken the custard which is indispensable for a creamy and little icy crystal cream. 

Soaking Raisins:

This look uses a ½ cupful of raisins which is much than capable to stud this crystal cream. Since raisins are typically precise dry, it's champion to soak them successful the rum truthful they tin instrumentality connected immoderate of the bully rum flavor, but besides plump up and beryllium tender to eat. Some of the rum astir the raisins volition beryllium added to the custard and the remainder the adjacent time aft the crystal pick is churned and the raisins are added. 

Chilling the custard overnight:

The custard tin beryllium churned the aforesaid time erstwhile it has chilled successful the fridge for astir 4 hours. My proposal is that you permission the custard overnight to nutrient an adjacent creamier extremity result. I really learned this instrumentality by mishap aft feeling excessively bushed to churn crystal pick connected the aforesaid day. The extremity effect of a custard near unsocial is simply a acold superior extremity product.



I usage my costly crystal pick attachment due to the fact that well, I already person it. However, you tin frost the crystal pick custard alternatively of leaving it successful the fridge, and usage your nutrient processor oregon a blender to “churn” it. You volition request to portion the frozen custard into manageable pieces earlier blending. Blending the frozen custard volition output the SAME results that an crystal pick shaper volition springiness you. If you person an crystal pick maker, by each means, usage it. If you dont, conscionable travel the steps above. You’re welcome. 


Once the crystal pick is churned (or blended), it volition acceptable aft astir 4 hours successful the freezer. 


  • Ingredients:
  • ½ cupful raisins
  • ⅓ cupful Jamaican rum (white oregon dark)
  • 2 cups coconut pick (2 cans)
  • 3 tsps vanilla paste oregon 1 tablespoonful vanilla extract
  • 2 cups Silk coconut beverage (or different beverage alternate of your choice)
  • 4 heaping tablespoons cornstarch
  • 1 cupful achromatic granulated sugar


  1. In a tiny bowl, adhd raisins and rum. Toss the raisins successful the rum with a spoon and screen with cling movie and acceptable aside. 
  2. In a mean bowl, whisk coconut milk, granulated sweetener and cornstarch until the cornstarch and sweetener person dissolved. Set aside. 
  3. In a mean saucepan, adhd coconut pick and vanilla paste oregon extract. Whisk the pick and vanilla paste implicit debased vigor until combined and the pick mildly melts. 
  4. Once the pick and vanilla are combined, mildly whisk the coconut beverage and cornstarch substance into the lukewarm cream. Measure 4 tbsps of rum from the soaking raisins, and adhd to the custard. You volition request to usage a spatula and whisk to disturbance the custard perpetually implicit the vigor until it thickens, astir 10-12 minutes. 
  5. Once the custard thickens, determination it into a loaf cookware oregon casserole dish. Use cling movie to screen the apical of the custard truthful a tegument does not form. Place the crockery into the refrigerator and permission overnight. You whitethorn besides churn the custard successful 4 hours if you are successful a hurry.  Leave the raisins successful the remaining rum to proceed to soak overnight. 
  1. If you bash not person an crystal pick instrumentality and volition request to usage a blender to churn the crystal cream, spot your crockery into the freezer overnight. Be definite you are utilizing a freezer harmless crockery oregon loafpan that volition not ace successful the freezer. Also, work the notes supra nether the conception labeled “churning.”
  1. The adjacent day, spot your custard into your crystal pick instrumentality and travel your manufacturer's directions. You should person afloat churned crystal pick successful astir 30 minutes. 
  1. If you are not utilizing an crystal pick machine, portion your frozen custard and spot the pieces into your nutrient processor oregon into your blender. Blend oregon process until smooth. 
  1. Place ⅓ of the crystal pick into a loaf cookware oregon freezer harmless container. Spoon ⅓ of the raisins onto the archetypal furniture of crystal cream. It is good if the remaining rum is drizzled into the crystal pick during the process. Add a 2nd furniture of crystal pick and spoon different 3rd of the raisins connected top. Add the past magnitude of crystal pick and apical with the remaining raisins. Use a spatula to submerge the raisins into the cream. Use cling movie to screen the apical of the crystal pick and instrumentality it to the freezer. It should acceptable and beryllium acceptable to devour successful 4 hours. 
  2. Once the crystal pick is set, scoop with the assistance of a lukewarm scoop and enjoy. 


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