They say hindsight is always twenty-twenty which means that if we can do something over again probably with a little more wisdom, experience and knowledge we would definitely do things differently. One such thing for many women is the way we treat the men in our lives. While each relationship dynamic is different and there are always exceptions to every rule, generally, there are some universal rules that one should follow to make our lives, our peace of mind, our mental health, our bodies and especially our bank balances a whole lot healthier!
BUZZZ Magazine decided to examine some of these universal truths that many of us ignore to our detriment. Some we learnt as little girls from our mothers who never steered us wrong when it comes to matters of the heart. Others we knew instinctively but chose to ignore when love stepped into our lives and filled our hearts with that giddy, tingly feeling which we later learned was our common sense taking a sabbatical. So let us remind ourselves of some rules for love and life when interacting with members of the opposite sex so that in the future we do not repeat the same mistakes only to hear our families and friends shout “I told you so!”

1. Do not move an unemployed man into your home.
Talk about a recipe for disaster! If you are a single mother, it will be tantamount to having an extra child.
2. Halt your dreams so that he can fulfill his.
If he puts you in a situation where you have to give up on your dreams for him…run!
3. Change your appearance.
If your weight, complexion, hair etc. bothers him, he is not with you for the right reasons. If he did not like you how he met you, then he can get to stepping.
4. Give him control over all your decisions.
Last time we checked the position of God was already filled. As a grown adult, you are perfectly capable of making decisions about what is best for you and your life.
5. Make him your priority when you are clearly an option.
Do not rearrange your life to always accommodate his wants and needs when he cannot even show up to support you when you need.
6. Stop taking care of yourself.
Never get so busy taking care of him that you forget to take care of yourself. Self-love and pampering need to be a part of your regular routine.