OBSTETRICIAN-GYNAECOLOGIST Dr Horace Fletcher emphasised that sex is perfectly normal for seniors as it is for younger folks. “If they have a bad heart, then they should be a bit more careful,” Dr Fletcher cautioned. If they have a ‘bad heart’, meaning heart organ issues, namely heart disease or previous heart attack diagnosis, then they should take precautions when engaging in sexual activities.
Dr Romario William emphasised the importance of caution for seniors with chronic illnesses. Conditions such as diabetes (sugar), hypertension (high blood pressure), arthritis, osteoporosis, and heart disease should be approached with care. According to the doctor, poorly managed illnesses can contribute to complications during sexual activity for seniors.
“Sex creates a space for healthy communication,” Dr Williams said. A safe space for older couples to discuss with each other their concerns as it relates to sexual health and insecurities.
“As women get older, they become less ‘wet’ and there is a need for lubrication,” Dr Fletcher said. As women age, especially during and after menopause, hormonal changes can lead to a decrease in estrogen levels. One consequence of lower estrogen levels is a reduction in vaginal lubrication, which can result in vaginal dryness. This can become a common challenge among senior women who are sexually active.
Using lubrication can help alleviate discomfort and improve sexual experiences for women experiencing vaginal dryness. Older women need to discuss any concerns about sexual health or changes in their bodies with their doctor, who can offer guidance and appropriate treatments to address these issues.
Dr Fletcher advises seniors to use protection, especially if they have doubts about their partner’s fidelity, to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
Studies show that the rates of STIs, including HIV, are rising at a faster pace among individuals age 55, and older compared to other age groups. The article stated that while seniors still have a lower STI rate than other groups, the number of infections in that age range, adjusted for population, has more than doubled from 11.8 per 100,000 to 24.5 for just five years.
Research indicates that sex can enhance self-esteem in older adults, addressing a common challenge associated with ageing. “Sex in senior years helps reduce stress and burns calories,” Dr Williams said. “The more sexually active seniors are, the more they feel better about themselves,” he added.
Dr Williams indicated that sex also counteracts some symptoms of menopause. Having regular sex helps to reduce the vaginal symptoms caused by menopause as it strengthens the vaginal tissues.
Regular sexual activity can have some positive effects on vaginal health, particularly in terms of maintaining vaginal elasticity and lubrication. This can potentially help alleviate some symptoms of menopause, such as vaginal dryness and discomfort during intercourse. Sexual activity helps also to promote blood flow to the pelvic region, which may contribute to the health of vaginal tissues.
The doctor warns that while sexual activity may provide some relief for vaginal symptoms of menopause, it is not a substitute for medical treatments or interventions specifically designed to address menopausal symptoms. Women experiencing significant discomfort or symptoms related to menopause should consult with healthcare professionals for appropriate guidance and treatment options.
As it relates to men, Dr Williams said frequent ejaculation may reduce the risk of prostate cancer. The prostate gland is a component of the ejaculation process. There is some evidence to suggest that there may be a correlation between ejaculation frequency and a reduced risk of prostate cancer. Several studies have investigated this association, with some finding a potential protective effect of frequent ejaculation against prostate cancer development.
Relationship and marriage counsellor Dr Stevenson Samuels offered some tips on how seniors can keep it spicy in the bedroom – communication, experimentation, prioritise foreplay, and addressing sexual health concerns – are just some ways in which seniors can keep their sex life spicy.
“Watch your diet, because diet can help to improve your sexual health,” he said.
Dr Samuels warns senior couples to prioritise physical health. He emphasised that if their bodies are not agile, they may lose the urge for sex. Physical well-being positively impacts sexual function and vitality. Seniors should stay active, maintain a balanced diet, get enough sleep, and manage stress well.
The consensus from the experts is that, as in other aspects of healthcare, older adults must seek specialised advice and guidance on sexual health to continue to enjoy fulfilling and safe sexual experiences.
SOURCE: Golden Designs Blog is a subsidiary of Golden Designs. You can email: goldendesigns60@gmail.com, or read their blog at www.goldendesigns.org.