Ziggy, Cedella Marley Call For US Applications For ‘Bob Marley: One Love’ Social Impact Scholarships’

11 months ago 70

Bob Marley: One Love producers Ziggy and Cedella Marley are calling for US applications for 10 “Bob Marley: One Love Social Impact Scholarships,” a partnership between the film and the Washington, D.C.-based Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF).

Two days ago, the siblings shared the news of the scholarship on Instagram and noted that the 10 scholarships are being offered to undergraduate students enrolled at HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) who are “pursuing social justice-related degrees,” and the deadline was on April 30.

“#OneLoveGivesForward, the impact continues! ☝🏾❤️🇺🇸 in partnership with @cbcfinc…,” Cedella had written, noting that  the participating institutions include Bowie State University, Clark Atlanta University, Dillard University, Florida A&M University, Hampton University, Morehouse College, Morgan State University, Spelman College, Texas Southern University and the Xavier University of Louisiana”.

Many persons, including Jamaicans domiciled in the United States, had cheered the Marleys along.

“Love this! I know some will complain about who is being funded versus who is not, but we have to remember this is a start. They could easily NOT be doing something and we don’t know what the criteria was for inclusion. All I know is ten deserving students will have a little less to worry about. I look forward to more. Every mickle mek a muckle! 💪🏾,” one woman noted.

According to the scholarship details outlined on the CBCF’s website, The Bob Marley: One Love Social Impact Scholarship will support 10 rising sophomore, junior and senior students pursing degrees in community organizing, nonprofit management, public policy, or social justice related degree programs with a minimum 2.5 GPA”. Each scholarship is valued at $5,000.

The eligibility requirements are that applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents; identify as Black or African American; must have a minimum 2.5 GPA; have a “current classification” as “freshman, sophomore or junior” at “one of the listed Historically Black Colleges and Universities” and must be pursuing a degree in one of the majors listed.

However, there were persons in Jamaica who queried why Jamaican academic institutions had not been included and whether or not the University of the West Indies, which bestowed Rita Marley with an Honourary Doctorate in November 2015, would be given similar treatment.

“Now can we set up something for the University of The West Indies as well!!!” suzee885 said, to which one woman replied: “yeah this is shocking”.

“@cedellamarley @uwimona we need one for UWI and @utechjamaica please and 🙏🏽,” another woman noted in pointing out that Jamaica’s two major public universities ought to be facilitated.

Another woman complained that a major US university had been left off the list.

“Not having Howard on here is crazy,” she said.

A few persons from the African continent jumped in to bat for their territory.

“No University from Africa,” idrioss_hasheem lamented, while brookal_23 queried: “What about Ethiopian student…is the scholarship available for them?”

The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, which describes its mission as “to advance the global Black community by developing leaders, informing policy, and educating the public”, also noted that applicant must be enrolled “at one of the following academic institutions: Bowie State University, Clark Atlanta, Dillard University, Florida A&M University, Hampton University, Morehouse College, Morgan State University, Spelman College, Texas Southern University and Xavier University of Louisiana”.

To be considered for the scholarship, applicants are to complete a two-part online application which must be submitted before midnight on Tuesday April 30, 2024 and submit an essay on “How has the life and legacy of Bob Marley influenced your life and social activism aspirations” alongside their transcripts, two  letters of recommendation and submit their resumes  “demonstrating work experience, extracurricular activities, honours, community service and other special skills”.

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