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Biden administration fighting JetBlue takeover of Spirit airline

The Biden administration’s fight against consolidation in the airline industry is being tested as lawyers for JetBlue Airways and the United States Justice Department squared off in court.

The administration is suing to block JetBlue’s proposed US$3.8-billion acquisition of Spirit Airlines. The trial in federal district court in Boston could reshape the market for low-cost airlines — Spirit is by far the nation’s biggest budget carrier, and it will disappear if JetBlue wins the case.

As the trial began on Tuesday with opening statements from lawyers for both sides, the airline reported a wider loss than expected in the third quarter – US$153 million – and predicted another surprisingly large loss for the fourth quarter.

Executives declined to take questions about the Spirit deal. CEO Robin Hayes said it would be inappropriate while the matter was being debated in court.

The Justice Department is fresh off a victory in a previous lawsuit that killed a partnership between JetBlue and American Airlines, in which they shared revenue from flights in New York and Boston.

JetBlue is the sixth-largest US airline by revenue, and it is trying to buy the seventh-biggest. If it swallows Spirit, JetBlue will leapfrog Alaska Airlines but still control less than 10 per cent of the US air travel market. It would remain far smaller than American, United, Delta or Southwest.

But if JetBlue gets its way, it will grow its fleet about 70 per cent, repaint Spirit’s yellow planes, and make them less cramped inside.

The New York carrier argues that it needs Spirit to bulk up and compete better against the bigger airlines. JetBlue touts itself as “one of the most disruptive and innovative companies in the history of the airline industry”, and says it can bring down fares if it can go head-to-head against the Big Four on more routes.

The Justice Department argues, however, that Spirit is the disruptive force that needs to be protected.

“Consumers are better off with an independent Spirit, not a JetBlue intent on removing seats from planes and charging higher fares,” government lawyers argued in their pretrial brief. They say the harm will fall hardest on cost-conscious consumers.

JetBlue says the vacuum left by Spirit would be filled by growth from other discount airlines. The Justice Department says that is unlikely because all airlines, including the budget carriers, face limits to growth, including shortages of planes and pilots.

Spirit, which is based in Miramar, Florida, is known as an ‘ultra-low-cost carrier’, the name given to airlines that tout rock-bottom fares but make up for it by charging high fees for things like checking a bag or carrying one on board. Spirit even charges for soft drinks. Personal-finance site Nerdwallet said passengers should expect to pay US$137 in fees on a typical one-way flight, compared with US$35 or less at the bigger airlines – including JetBlue.

This isn’t the first time that the government has challenged an airline merger. In 2013, regulators sued to stop the merger of American Airlines and US Airways. The deal, which created the world’s biggest carrier, went through without a trial, however, after the airlines agreed to give up some gates and take-off and landing rights at seven major airports.

JetBlue tried that strategy: It offered to divest gates and landing and take-off rights and gates in Boston, the New York City area and Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to Frontier and Allegiant. But the government scoffed at the offer, saying those discount carriers have pledged to fly the same routes that Spirit flies now.

The Biden administration may be having remorse for mergers that the Obama administration allowed to go through and which eliminated Northwest, Continental, US Airways and AirTran as competitors to the four largest US airlines.

The new trial is taking place in the same Boston courthouse where the Justice Department prevailed against JetBlue and American, but the case is being heard by a different judge. It is expected to last until early December.


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