Business Highlight: Woman’s Touch

1 year ago 40

Dr Chris Ann Simpson Harley wants to change the way feminine hygiene products are viewed one person at a time.

The creator of the Woman’s Touch line of feminine products, Dr Simpson Harley says her business is a labour of love.

An Obstetrician/Gynecologist by profession, Dr Simpson Harley created Woman’s Touch to address the issues she saw daily in her practice. 

“I’m seeing women with similar issues, irritation, burning, yeast… and the thing hygiene products aren’t really formulated with a woman in mind. In medicine we always say one of the best things for your feminine hygiene is to stick to cotton as best as possible but I find that the options will use materials like plastic and foam,” she explained.

“And I’m like, where is the cotton? So I know I must be able to create a better option and that’s how Woman’s touch was born,” she said.

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