Cement Importers Urged to Utilise Quotas to Ease Shortage

5 months ago 25

Industry Minister, Aubyn Hill, is urging cement importers to utilize their quotas to ease the current shortage in the market.

The Minister addressed the shortfall of the critical building material, which he says arose due to scheduled maintenance at the country’s main distributor, Carib Cement.

Carib Cement is Jamaica’s sole cement manufacturer.

Minister Hill says there’s been an 8% monthly decline in the product, falling well below domestic demand.

He says he’s been given assurances by the manufacturer that it will return to full production soon.

However, the Industry Minister says several importers who’ve complained about local shortages have failed to utilise the quotas they’ve been provided by the government to bring in cement.

Senator Aubyn Hill, Minister of Industry, Investment and Commerce.

He was speaking in the Senate on Friday.

In the meantime, Opposition Senator, Peter Bunting, took issue with Senator Hill’s characterisation of the economy as booming.

Addressing the Senate on Friday, Mr. Bunting says data from several sources suggest the economy has stalled and is heading to recession.

Mr. Bunting also notes that foreign direct investment while up is still below what was achieved under the PNP.

Peter Bunting, Leader of Opposition Business in the Upper House.

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