Tax Administration Jamaica, TAJ, says it’s now collecting the majority of its revenue through online platforms.
In a statement on Monday, TAJ says it has collected 80 per cent of its revenue as more customers go digital to conduct business.
Commissioner General Ainsley Powell says the development has significantly reduced the number of business customers visiting TAJ offices to complete transactions.
Powell was speaking on Monday during a technical briefing on day one of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade’s Diplomatic Week.
The commissioner general said TAJ is moving in a digital direction and has entered a phase where it’s expanding its online features.
He said the public has welcomed the addition of other digital services, such as the payment of motor-vehicle fitness fees and traffic tickets online.
He noted that the move to online payments for police records is another key area that positively impacted operations at the island’s tax offices.
Powell says TAJ is now at the optimal point where its existing legacy systems will need to be replaced to make better use of the digital landscape.