Mayor Thomas Condemns ‘Disruptive’ Actions of JLP Supporters at Stakeholder Meeting

2 weeks ago 12

Portmore mayor, Leon Thomas, is strongly condemning what he calls the disorderly and disruptive actions of Jamaica Labour Party, JLP, supporters during a stakeholder meeting on Tuesday.

The meeting, held at the Portmore Municipal headquarters, was convened to discuss the government’s move to grant Portmore parish status.

The gathering, chaired by Mayor Thomas, was marred by clashes between PNP and JLP supporters.

Shaloy Smikle tells us more.

Mayor Leon Thomas says the meeting was intended to provide Portmore residents an opportunity to engage in meaningful dialogue on the move to transition the dormitory town into the country’s 15th parish.

In a statement on Wednesday, Mayor Thomas says the gathering was derailed when a group of JLP supporters stormed the meeting.

According to him, they aggressively brandished placards, chanted “showa Labourite,” and attempted to hijack the proceedings.

The mayor says their disruptive behaviour caused distress among attendees. He alleges that witnesses heard some of the individuals declaring that they were instructed to “mash up the meeting.”

Reports are the meeting became heated during the question-and-answer session after several JLP supporters pulled out placards and began chanting.

Some of the placards read, “We want Portmore to be a parish.” This led to an exchange of chants and taunts between rival political supporters.

At one point, Mayor Thomas left his seat to intervene.

Videos circulating on social media show him angrily slapping a placard from the hands of a woman. The video shows Mayor Thomas being restrained and then led away.

But Mayor Thomas, in his statement, says he took immediate steps to restore order, including removing placards from the hands of those who were deliberately creating chaos.

He says his sole intention was to de-escalate a volatile situation, ensuring that the meeting could proceed peacefully and constructively.

Mr. Thomas says the Portmore municipality denounces all acts of political intimidation and thuggery.

He says he’s deeply disappointed that individuals aligned with the JLP sought to stifle community engagement through aggressive and unruly behaviour.

He’s calling on members of parliament Alando Terrelonge and Robert Miller and the leadership of the JLP to denounce these actions and ensure that their supporters respect the democratic rights of every citizen. Both Mr. Miller and Mr. Terrelonge were in attendance.

The moderator, Bishop Dr. Alvin Bailey, pastor of Portmore Holiness Christian Church, repeatedly called on MP Terrelonge to control the JLP supporters.

Also in attendance from the People’s National Party were South St. Catherine MP, Raymond Pryce and Dr. Alfred Dawes.

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