Professor of Culture, Gender and Society in the Institute of Caribbean Studies at the Mona campus of the University of the West Indies, Donna Hope, says the current level of trust in the government suggests that public opinion is shifting in a positive direction for the Holness-administration.
According to the latest Nationwide/Bluedot poll, powered by Total Tools, 45 per cent of respondents say they trusted the government.
The 45 percent is the highest trust result the government has recorded since February 2023.
Similarly, distrust, at 43-percent, is at its lowest since 2023.
The percentage that is unsure has remained steady at 12 percent since February 2024.
When age is considered, the highest distrust, 47 percent, is among those 25 to 34 years old.
The highest level of trust, 49 percent, is recorded among those 56 to 64 years old.
Professor Hope believes Jamaicans in the 25 to 34 age group are very critical of the government and have many demands.
Donna Hope, Professor of Culture, Gender and Society in the Institute of Caribbean Studies.
Meanwhile, public commentator, Dr. Nadeen Spence believes the distrust among those 25 to 34 years old might be influenced by the narratives on prominent issues in the public domain.
Dr. Nadeen Spence, public commentator, speaking on Nationwide This Morning on Wednesday.