Jamaica’s back to back 200-metres World Champion Shericka Jackson has withdrawn from the Track and Field meet set for the Ansin Sports Complex in Miramar Florida, tomorrow.
Jackson was listed for the women’s 200 where another Jamaican Natalliah Whyte is entered.
This marks the second time this year that Jackson was build for an event and will not be in action.
Meanwhile in addition to Whyte another 27 Jamaican athletes are down to compete.
In the men’s 100-metres Yohan Blake, Ackeem Blake, Kishane Thompson, Andre Ewers and national champion Rohan Watson are all entered.
In the women’s equivalent 8 have been listed including the Clayton sisters Tia and Tina, Sashalee Forbes and Natasha Morrison.
Ackera Nugent, Amoi Brown and Demisha Rosewell are down for the 100-metres hurdles, while the men’s event will feature Orlando Bennett and Tyler Mason.
Tajay Gayle the 2019 world champion is entered for the men’s Long Jump, while Danielle Thomas-Dodd and Lloydricia Cameron will go in the women’s Shot Put.
The men’s 200-metres will feature Rusheen McDonald and Ryiem Ford.
The meet is set to get underway at 10. 35am.