Valledupar City Hall in Colombia was awarded host of the 2026 Para South American Youth Games.
Mayor of Valledupar, Ernesto Miguel Orozco Dorán, in hailing the achievement said: “It is an honor for Valledupar to be selected as the host city for the Para South American Games 2026.”
He said “We are eager to welcome athletes and visitors from across the region and show them the hospitality and warmth of our city.”
One of the principal objectives of the APC is to build a viable financial framework cross-borders in the region and the successful delivery of games is a critical determinant.
With increasing costs of hosting international games, Chairman of APC’s Finance Commission, Ryan Foster, lauded the signing as “an opportunity for games stakeholders to construct a business model that networks, cost effectively, into APC’s financial eco-system.
The connectedness of sport has always been an avenue for building relationships and the city of Valledupa, known for its vibrant sporting culture, will take pride in 2026 in reinforcing the value of inclusion, mutuality and providing equal opportunities for the youth of the region in para sport.