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Shak’s Hope Foundation Announces Their 7Th Annual Easter Treat For Families Fighting Sickle Cell Disease

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Shak’s Hope’s Executive Director, Andrea Hall, returns to Jamaica to continue hers and her daughter’s work to educate communities on Sickle Cell Disease and to encourage them to know their status. For the 7th year the organization has partnered with the Sickle Cell Unit at UWI and will bring much needed hoodies, blankets, toys, electronics, care packages and mindfulness journals to serve the residents of Black River, Montego Bay and Kingston that live with Sickle Cell daily.

All attendees are encouraged to bring appointment cards to have their Sickle Cell Unit (SCU) Status verified. Managing a crisis can be a daunting task and the mission of Shak’s Hope is to make each day more tolerable for those living with the disease.

Shak’s Hope, the Sickle Cell Foundation known for advocating for a higher quality of life for patients fighting Sickle Cell will return to celebrate their annual Easter Treat, April 6th ,11th , and 12th. Executive Director, Andrea Hall lives her passion daily and continues her quest to ensure that people take to heart the onus to know their status. “Education and knowledge are fundamental in initiating behavioral change. That change can ultimately give way to progress. Let us continue our fight for a future where research and proper care can help minimize the impact the disease can have in our lifetime,” said Hall.

 Where: Sickle Cell Unit UWI – Kingston
 Black River Hospital – 45 Main Street, St. Elizabeth – Black River
When: Thursday, April 6th


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