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The WARE Collective’s Heritage Brukins Was A Success

The Wattle and Red Earth (WARE) Collective hosted HERITAGE BRUKINS, an exciting community event, on Saturday, October 15, 2022, at Malvern Chase, the site of their proposed Living Museum in St. Elizabeth. The Wattle and Red Earth (Ware) collective is a non-profit, charitable Jamaica-based organization promoting the preservation and education of traditional arts and sustainable building methods throughout St Elizabeth and surrounding parishes while offering economic opportunities for development in local communities.
The highlight of the evening was the lighting of the lime kiln. Once all the materials were gathered, the striker climbed to the top to commence the burning.
It was a fun-filled day as drummers and dancers from the Accompong Maroon community demonstrated a few traditional dances.
The attendees were excited to join in on the day’s activities. (From Left) an eager participant tried his hand at basket weaving, guided by Rose who demonstrated how to carefully weave a basket.
Photo Credit: Michael Elliott

The post The WARE Collective’s Heritage Brukins Was A Success appeared first on News and Events.



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