The City of Lauderhills’ “Healthy You” awarded health grant invites the community to attend the FREE inaugural “HEALTHoween” Trick or Treat event on Friday, October 28, 2022, from 5pm to 9pm at the Sadkin Community Center located at 1176 NW 42nd Way, Lauderhill, FL 33313. RSVP is not required! Everyone is welcomed.
Lauderhill residents and community members of all ages are invited to enjoy a night of fun to kick-off their Halloween festivities during the weekend. Attendees can expect to receive spooky “Healthy You gift bags,” delicious candy and more surprises throughout the night. This event aims to showcase how Halloween can still be full of treats, but healthy at the same time.
October is National Health Observance month, and the Lauderhill Healthy You grant aligns with the month’s goals of increasing awareness about health literacy, breast cancer, and health care quality. The Healthy You grant directly addresses inequities in racial and ethnic minority populations and other socially vulnerable populations, including racial and ethnic minority communities.
The City of Lauderhill has been awarded a grant to advance health literacy and enhance equitable community responses to COVID-19. The grant was awarded by the United States Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health and Office of Minority Health in response to the pandemic’s impact on communities like ours.
The primary goal of the Lauderhill Advancing Health Literacy project is to provide culturally and linguistically Covid-19 information in plain language to the minority population in the city of Lauderhill. After the completion of this project, participants will understand basic medical information and will be empowered to make informed decisions.